NABIP Ohio Chapter Awards Program
At the NABIP Ohio Annual Meeting, a few NABIP Ohio members receive special recognition for the value they have added to their community and their association. We are looking for nominees for the following awards:
Distinguished Service Award: To be awarded to an NABIP Ohio member who represents professionalism in our association and has distinguished him/herself with the time and service they have unselfishly provided to our association during the past year.
Community Service Award: To be awarded to an NABIP Ohio member who has made a significant contribution in the past year or for their ongoing support to the community or a community agency.
Educator of the Year: To be awarded to an NABIP Ohio member who has done the most within the organization, other organizations or within the community to educate about NABIP Ohio, healthcare issues and the role of the agent.
Lifetime Award: To be given to an individual from NABIP Ohio who has done the most within the organization, to further the mission of NABIP Ohio, healthcare issues and the role of the agent.
Please submit your recommendation for a nominee and the reason that person should be chosen to the NABIP Ohio office.
Click here for more information on NABIP Ohio Awards criteria.
NABIP Chapter and Individual Awards Program
The following awards are available through NABIP:
Vanguard Award: Honors NABIP members with less than five years in the industry who have contributed significantly above and beyond what is normally called for in connection with association volunteer service at the local, state, and/or national level.
Landmark Award: Honors state chapters for outstanding achievements and excellence in serving their members and the industry. Criteria
Pacesetter Award: Honors local chapters for outstanding achievements and excellence in serving their members and the industry. Criteria
Distinguished Service Award: Presented to members who have contributed significantly above and beyond what is normally called for in connection with association volunteer service.
Media Relations Award: The Media Relations Award honors state and local associations for outstanding media relations.
Community Service (Ouida Peterson) Award: Presented to a state or local chapter for excellence in community service activities. Informational Flyer.
Professional Development (Robert W. Osler) Award: Presented to a state or local chapter for outstanding achievement in promoting continuing education.
Public Service (William F. Flood) Award: Presented to a state or local chapter for excellence in public service activities.
Public Speaking (William G. Wetzel) Award: Honors members who have demonstrated excellence in public presentations.
The State Website Award and Local Website Award are presented to the state and local chapters with the most effective and easily used websites.